True Identity

On Sunday, Pastor Anita shared a very timely message titled, “Restore Your True Identity by Renewing Your Mind.” Pastor Anita’s message reminded me of a time in my young adult years when God brought me through a season of learning and discovery about the importance of identity. Over the course of a few weeks I went through a series called “Identity Discovery” by Steve Chua (if you’re interested please ask me about Lifespring’s copy). I was so impacted by this study of identity and also had the privilege of speaking on the topic in Uganda.

The issue of identity is such an important one. If we really think about it, our sense of identity is absolutely foundational to our lives. Our sense of who we are affects our relationships, the way we react to other people and our circumstances, the direction of our lives, and countless other important areas.

However, our sense of identity can be so embedded within us that we rarely ever take notice. It is in the background of so many decisions and actions, yet unless we intentionally take time to address our sense of identity, it will simply go unnoticed. This is what I appreciated about Pastor Anita’s message. She reminded us to take a hard look at our sense of identity, especially those areas where we have believed the lies of the enemy.

As Pastor Anita mentioned from John 8:44:

“He [the enemy] has never stood for the truth, because there’s no truth in him. Whenever that liar speaks, he speaks according to his own nature, because he’s a liar and the father of liars.”

We are to identify the lies the enemy tells about who we are, and replace them with the life-giving word of God, a God who says in John 10:10,

“The thief enters only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came so that they could have life—indeed, so that they could live life to the fullest.”

God’s intention for us has always been life to the fullest. And such a big part of this is understanding our identity as children of God. I often think of the phrase, “the longest distance in the world is the distance between your head and your heart.” While we may know we are children of God, having this truth become a part of our identity is a lifelong journey, but it is certainly worth it!

If you are interested in learning more about discovering identity, please reach out to the pastoral team or Pastor Anita as we have many resources and tools for learning more. Have a blessed week!