Mother’s Day

We want to appreciate all you mommys out there. Physical mamas, spiritual mamas, soon-to-be mamas, one day mamas – we want to appreciate every female at Lifespring.

If I ask all the males why you appreciate the females in your life, they could list 1000 things! We want to appreciate all the things you do, but more importantly, we want to appreciate who God made you to be.

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

Genesis 2:18

This is the very first mention and thought of the female. The female is God’s idea. Adam hadn’t even imagined the female, but God had her in mind. It was God who said that the man needed the woman. She was God’s idea. Ladies, you came from the very mind of God! And God never makes mistakes, He always knows what is best, He knows what this world needs, and He knows the exact solution for every situation. He is perfect and everything He makes is perfect. Ladies, you are the product of God, and you are perfect.

One of the greatest gifts females have received is called Influence Power. I was reminded of an amazing man at Lifespring jokingly declared to everyone, “I am the head of the household!” And his wife quickly responded with, “you may be the head, but I am the neck!” I thought it was so funny at the time but I didn’t realize how true it really was!

Influence-power is a tremendous gift from the Lord. There is power in your wisdom, your words, your guidance – there is a power in you because you are God’s idea! And God’s ideas carry the power and purposes of God within them.

15 years ago, I stood at the front of the church sanctuary. I was convinced and convicted that God had called me into ministry. I heard the Lord over and over again that God was calling me into the priesthood. He had confirmed my calling, He had spoken to my heart, He had done everything to align me to take the path of priesthood. Yet I stood at the edge, still unsure of whether or not to take the path God wanted me to take. I was afraid and I had doubts. Even though the Lord was clearly speaking to me, I was too afraid to step forward.

As I stood at the front of the sanctuary, my wife came to pray for me. She laid her hand on my stomach and simply said, “I bless you to pursue the dreams of the Father.” It was in that very moment I fell to my knees, weeping, but confident that I would take the path that God was laying out for me into the priesthood.

The Lord spoke! But it was my wife’s words (influence power) that pushed me off the edge into the adventure we live in today.

Women are powerful. Your words matter, your guidance matters, everything about you matters.

No matter what men might say about you, no matter what you might think about yourself, you are a good idea. God’s mind thought of you, and God’s Spirit brought you into being. You are the result of God’s idea, and that makes you very powerful.