Higher And Deeper

It was wonderful to have Donna speak at our Sunday Celebration last weekend. Whenever Donna visits, I feel like there are so many gems in her message that always encourage me and get me thinking.

One gem that she mentioned was, “to go higher, you need to go deeper.” When Theresa and I were living in the US, we had a chance to visit Sequoia National Park in California. The size of these Sequoia trees was absolutely amazing. We stood among a forest of 75 foot trees that were as tall as apartment buildings. I felt like a mini figure surrounded by giants.

When Donna spoke about going higher and deeper, one image that came to my mind was the Sequoia tree. I think it is important to recognize that part of the work God is doing at Lifespring at this moment is taking us higher. When I think of higher, I compare regular old city trees with giant Sequoias. Higher means growing stronger and greater in the things of God. It means loving God and loving others more. It means being an even greater spring of life to those around us.

But in order to go higher, we also need to grow deeper. When I went to see the Sequoias, one of the things that impressed me the most was the size of their trunk. It would probably take 7-8 people with hands joined to surround one of these trees fully. In order for a tree to grow to the height of a Sequoia it needs an equally strong trunk and root system. In fact, the root system of a Sequoia is so strong that these trees rarely fall over.

When I think of going deeper, I think of strengthening some of those core and basic aspects of our walk with God. This includes things like prayer, worship, Bible reading, devotions, memory verses, etc. Of course, these seem like some of the most mundane and unfancy parts of our spiritual life. But it is those elements at the root of what it means to be a Christian that need to be strengthened the most.

I pray that as a church, we would never settle for mediocrity when we hear God calling us higher. May we never settle for a life of comfort and ease when God is pulling us forward into greater things. But on that journey, may we also discern ways that God is calling us to go deeper. Are these areas where you are feeling the tug of God to go deeper? Maybe this is in your own devotions, Bible memory, worship, prayer, or serving others. When we strengthen such areas, we’re able to grow our roots in Christ as God calls us to grow even higher.