
Your Thoughts?

Dear LifeSpring Family, This past weekend Dorothy and I had the privilege of serving our Lord Jesus Christ at Blue Mountain, Collingwood with FamilyLife Canada. This is FamilyLife Canada’s first live in-person Weekend Getaway marriage conference since the pandemic start back in March of 2020. There was great excitement both on behalf of the participants and our FamilyLife Staff. Over 80 couples registered and almost 80 couples showed up for the Weekend Getaway. It would have been over 120 couples…

Unexpected Unity in Disagreement

Dear LifeSpring Family, As the new school year starts, I am excited to start another season of Bible Study Fellowship – BSF. This year we will be studying the book of Matthew – The Unexpected King. As all of us grapple with major decisions in our lives, like in the area of vaccination and leadership in our federal government, there will be disagreements. Allow me to share an article written by Karen McNary from BSF as a possible approach to…