Making Biscuits

I recently saw a video on social media of a baby and a cat. (Go with it, haha I promise this will go somewhere.)

The baby must’ve only been a few months old and was being rocked by a baby swing. The family cat was curled up with the baby in the swing seat and it looked very pleased with itself.

The baby was “making biscuits” on the cat’s back!! This motion that is more commonly known as kneading (in both the baking and feline worlds), is also more commonly considered to be cat behaviour than human behaviour.

And after I had a chuckle at how cute this little pair of buddies was, I began to realize something even more amazing. 

If a child this young can learn new atypical behaviour from the family pet, how much more can we learn from our friendship with Jesus?! 

In John 15:15, as Jesus is teaching his disciples about the importance of abiding in the vine, Himself, he says this:

 ”I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.”

It is through continual friendship with Jesus that we learn what love looks like and how to love and care for the least of these. 

It is through intentional friendship with Jesus that we are discipled, not just through learning to act and love as Jesus did, but because he reveals to us everything that he learned from his Father, God. 

How incredible is that?!

May each of us be encouraged to pursue deeper friendship with Jesus as we learn to patiently endure!